i love drums! ;D
Sunday, April 29, 2007
;D 5:59 AM
hi`s.........welcome back......=)oh well,i have not had e time to update e blog for sooooooooooooooooo long...hahas+)btw....anyone heard of the festival of prise singapore............it is the best lor i tell u....i encourage all christians to go for it..................tats all le bb

Saturday, April 21, 2007
;D 8:12 AM
hi all=)long time nvr update blog liao................so xian tis week down wib high fever n followed by a sore throat...............sin's weather is getting worseday after day sia!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!1maple cleric acc finally lvl 31 liao it took me sooooooo hard to just train tis accu noe...............XDtats all for now....got lots of sch work to catch up with,........see all of u later...............bb

Thursday, April 19, 2007
;D 5:00 AM

god is the best god

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
;D 7:15 AM
hi all=)long time no see ...........................hey anyone up 4 dota???i hav emastered the skill of some heroes but i am confident to win!!!!!!!!!well exams coming round the coner so study hard=)tats all folks bb

Saturday, April 14, 2007
;D 12:16 AM
hi~s everyone=)ever wonder what god has done for u today????well think about it then because if u believe in god only then will god help u in ur daily life...........................so think about what god has done for u this week and praise him for all he has done.PRAISE E LORD...............HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!

;D 12:11 AM

i love u jesus

Friday, April 13, 2007
;D 6:39 AM

i am strong with god

jeremy lim
14 yr old
big kid

playing drums [drumming]
watching tv ((:
play com


Nurul Fardiana.
Zi Yun.

Speak for God.a

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layout, designed and pic edited by: caryn!(:

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